Monday, August 25, 2008


He was 5' 8" and around 200 pounds, and though she was taller than him, she weighed significantly less. He just started to wake, and she was clutched around him, and he was sure if he could see them from above it would look something like a snake curled around a boulder. The permanency of their relationship was always something he knew he couldn't count on, but this morning everything felt ok. He was almost happy. He enjoyed her ability to stay sleeping even though she was knotted around him.

While primarily he feared she would leave, one day, seemingly arbitrarilly. He also had another concern, that she would die. He never knew if his concern was legitimate or not. She was very skinny, her bones all almost visible. There was an implied illness, never spoke of, just there.

"One day, I am going to move to France." He had no idea if she was awake or if that was just something muttered from sleep.

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